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"From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria" (QAQV9), Warsaw

Slowly approaching a significant anniversary,we would like to start looking at the past and decided to use William Faulkner’s quotation as our theme. We call for papers that engage in a conversation with the way the past(s) can be re-examined and revalued, rewritten or reclaimed, but also revisited and relived. As always, our focus are 18th- and 19th-century British literature and culture and their contemporary rewritings.
We encourage proposals considereing diverse forms of cultural expression, including the arts, literature, poetry, theatre, radio, film and TV, games, digital media, performativity, fashion as well as a range of historical, social, and geographical contexts.
We accept proposals for 20-minute papers as well as panels of three 20-minute papers.
For further information, see the full CfP below.
